Radiolytic Bioreactor Analysis: Cell-cultures RadioSterilization and Biologics-Reactions RadioIgnition Designs and Implementation; provides rational approach of applying differential-Biology and radiochemical reactions for differentially sterilizing by selective radiolytic destruction of extraneous microbes of cell-cultures, and for non-invasively "thermally" energizing cellular reactions by radiolytic ignition of cellular reactions in effective acceleration of preferred reactions.

Radiochemical Reactions Designs and Implementation based on Composited Reactions Sinks Sources Kinetics Model are employed to effect the RadioBiosynthesis in acceleration of Biologics Therapeutics growth and to activate high Activation-Energy Biologics-reactions that would otherwise not occur under circumstances prevailing in cells; and RadioSterilization for differential-sterilization of fermentation bioreactors with mixed microbial cultures, extraction of wild microbes from mixed populations, and the devectorization of contaminated medical specimens such as blood to stagnate infection while alternative methods of cure are being researched. The real-time assay of states of sterilization and of ignition dynamics of the Radiochemical reactions - evaluated on the basis of prevailing cellular reactions dynamic whether in improvisational vessels or radiolytic bioreactors - uses Bioreactors Computational Design Structures constructed of determined Numerical Solutions of the Bioreactors Point Sinks Sources Descriptive Equations set, augmented with the Bioreactors Cell Biologics Dynamics Analysis Equations set for analyzing cell-particles interactions dynamics.

Radiolytic Bioreactor Analysis should be much useful to all Biomedical and Biotechnology professionals being empowered to design improved and efficacious targeted Radiobioreactions for RadioSterilization of cultures -being lucidly presented for easy understanding and subsequent application in real-time with computational procedures for targeted radiolytic destruction of microbes and cells, and verified with live-Cell population assay; and for targeted RadioIgnition of biologics-reactions for prevalence of preferred effective  RadioBiosynthesis of Therapeutic-Biologics.

Book Details
Book: Radiolytic Bioreactor Analysis: Cell -Cultures Radio-Sterilization and
-Reactions Radio-Ignition
Author: Opubo G Benebo
Language: English

Publisher:  Okumaye Publishing

ISBN-13:    978-0-9889960-N/A
ISBN-10:    0-9889960-N/A
LCCN:       N/A

Publish & Release Date: November, 2018

Binding:       Hardcover (Cloth on board, dust cover)
Page Count: 320

Dimension:   6.14 x 9.21
Weight:        N/A